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Frequently Asked

What if this doesn’t work for my child?

After trying everything, many families are understandably skeptical that the program will work for their children. We let our 99% success rate speak for itself. As long as you implement the sleep plan and utilize our support, we will stick with you until you reach your sleep goals.

Will my child cry?

Crying is a natural way that babies communicate, especially when it comes to experiencing changes and learning new skills. Most families can expect some crying during the sleep teaching process. We provide techniques and strategies that encourage you to respond to your child’s crying, ensuring that you are meeting their need for comfort and connection during the learning process.

What if my partner isn’t on board?

Although it is possible for one parent to sleep train on their own, we encourage primary caregivers to be on the same page when making such a big decision for their family. Having all caregivers aligned with the same sleep training process prevents sending confusing messages to your child. If your partner is not on board, let’s hop on a call to discuss any questions they may have -- over the years we have turned many skeptics into Sleeper Teacher believers!

When is the right time to sleep train?

All families have different sleep needs and thresholds -- the right time to sleep train is when YOU are ready for a change.

  • If you are pregnant or have a new bundle at home, we can lay the foundation for safe and healthy sleep habits with our prenatal/newborn packages so you can avoid having to “fix” sleep down the road.

  • If you have a baby between 12 and 16 weeks, we can create a hybrid plan geared toward sailing through the 4-month sleep regression.

  • If you have a baby over 16 weeks, we dive into a full sleep plan aligned with your goals.

Does this mean I have to drop all night feeds?

Teaching independent sleep does not mean dropping all-night feeds, but you may find the two often naturally coincide. This is something we discuss extensively with our client families during the consultation.

Will we ever be able to leave our house again?

Yes! We love supporting families in their desire to remain active and still have a great sleeper. During our work together, we will cover the ways you can accommodate your child’s sleep during travel, naps on the go, or sleep at daycare.