Paige Murray
Hi there! I live in Kingwood, Texas, with my husband and our two sweet, silly boys. I graduated with my Bachelors of Science in Nursing from the University of Texas Medical Branch. I worked as an RN in Labor and Delivery and Pediatrics for eight years.
After having our second son, I decided to stay at home with my boys. They keep me on my toes, but I wouldn’t have it any other way!
Sleep Story
Business Journey
With my first baby, I had no clue what I was doing regarding sleep, and it was such a struggle! We were all exhausted and needed a change. I did some research, reached out to some friends, and we finally got him in a good rhythm.
But before baby number two made his arrival, I was determined that things would be different. We took a newborn class before he arrived, and it made all the difference!! I have always been one to need my sleep! I was so thankful to feel rested and was really able to enjoy our new little guy.
After having a much better experience with my second baby, I had the desire to share this with as many struggling moms as possible. I felt that everyone needed this information in their lives! I am excited to be a Sleeper Teacher and help other moms and dads enjoy this sweet time with their children, ensuring that everyone gets the sleep they need!
If you are ready to make a lasting impact on your family by ensuring everyone gets great sleep, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me! I would love to help meet your needs!
But the story wasn't over yet...